I absolutely love blogging. Funny thing is, I enjoy visiting other people's blogs just as much as the time I spend working on my own. Of course, since I'm always clicking 'next blog,' I realize that my kids weren't right after all; I don't need professional help. Turns out, I'm not the only one that's hooked. I also notice that a lot of people even post daily. Wow! If only you daily blogger's were able to hear the extremely loud pop going off right now! It's the sound of my mind being blown. For me, just thinking of something to post once a month makes my brain hurt. Now that I think about it, part of that may be because I suffer from INKWTDN syndrome, (I never know what to do next)... perhaps some of you have heard of it? Anyway, I end up posting things that I find interesting or funny on a wide range of topics. Basically, it makes thinking of a new topic that much easier because the sky is the limit. With that said... my apologies in advance to the non-Twilight fans.
I'm so excited about going to see the movie. Team Edward!!! I've been looking forward to it for months now just so I can yell out, 'Just go ahead and bite her already!' Also, for your listening enjoyment, I've included a couple of songs from Twilight's soundtrack to my playlist. See how thoughtful I am?
Quote of the Day
Thanks for visiting and enjoy your weekend.